fredag, mai 01, 2015

‘Congratulations, your brother’s become a martyr’. How Moscow’s migrant workers became Islamic State fighters

Photo: SIPA / Scanpix

Fighters from the world’s largest terrorist group, the Islamic State of Syria and Lebanon (ISIL), have threatened to open a new front, this time in Central Asia. In April 2015, in the Tajikistani capital Dushanbe, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov spoke of the threat of an invasion of Tajikistan by ISIL, which could, in turn, threaten Russia. Russia promised the country support, and is planning to send 70 billion rubles ($890 million) for weapons and to secure the border with Afghanistan. Meduza correspondent Daniil Turovsky set off to Tajikistan and found that the majority of new fighters in the Islamic State are being recruited by “Chechen groups” from migrants working at Moscow’s construction sites. As a result of their efforts, 2,000 to 4,000 Central Asian migrants have already departed for Syria.

Writes the independent Russian online newspaper "Meduza"

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